duminică, 13 aprilie 2008

Reclama in Email...

Pana aici nici o problema! Vad in fiecare zi si am mai vazut, de pilda, la Bergenbier in Yahoo! Messenger. Nici o problema! Ba chiar imi place sa vad reclame romanesti pe .com. Alta e problema mea: eu sunt in Belgia acum si emailul meu de Yahoo! e complet in limba engleza. Nu am nici macar alerte si nici nu sunt abonat la vreun newsletter din Romania cu aceasta adresa de email. Imi amintesc de un mic scandal la Google de acum vreun an despre un conflict intre confidentialitatea informatiilor si targetarea mult mai exacta a reclamelor, care presupunea "construirea" unui profil de vizitator web asociat fiecarui id, astfel incat sa i se "livreze" reclamele cele mai potrivite. In Gmail inteleg sa patesc asta, pentru ca folosesc acel cont in mult mai multe interese (permite un numar nelimitat de alerte si filtre, nu ca pe Yahoo!, 15, de pilda), dar in Yahoo!... aici nu mai inteleg... Ceea ce imi devine tot mai clar e ca providerii mari de servicii pe net stiu pe orice dai click! Si mai si folosesc informatia asta!


No problem until now! I can see Romanian commercials on the internet all the time and I saw, for instance, an advertising for Bergenbier (a Romanian beer brand) on Yahoo! Messenger. No problem! I'm even delighted to see Romanian advertising on .com. My problem is different: I'm in Belgium now and my Yahoo! email is completely in English. I didn't even subscript to any newsletter from Romania with this email address. I remember a small scandal at Google about one year ago on a conflict of interests between information confidentiality and advertising targeting, which meant building an internet visitor profile associated to every id, so that the id would receive the most appropriate commercials. I can understand that in Gmail, since I use that account for much many things (it allows an unlimited number of alerts and filters, not only 15 as Yahoo! does), but in Yahoo!... this I cannot understand... What is more and more clear to me is that the "big brother" providers of internet services know anything you click on! And, look!, they also use that information!